Through strong connections with study associations, participatory bodies, and national politics, UReka strives to voice a well-informed, critical opinion on the policies presented by the executive board and initiates the change the student community of the UT desires to see. UReka sees the university as a platform for self-development and inspiration, where students should receive a world-class education from motivated professors in coherent modules, where internationalisation creates a new perspective and teaches all students what it means to be inclusive and live in a globalised world, learning from each other through face to face interaction.
Party Program 2020
Our Vision
UReka wants the university to improve upon its current implementation of digital learning, making use of the momentum that digital learning has gained. UReka wants to make sure that digital education can enhance the study experience as a complement to our regular education, but never as a replacement.
Sustainable growth for the long-run
Students choosing the university should have equal chances of starting into their academic career, wherefore discrepancies in educational levels of pre-knowledge should be minimised to the most feasible extent.
UReka will promote desirable UT-wide short-term solutions, such as providing additional workplaces and steering away from undesirable time slots for lectures. Simultaneously, UReka will actively support the implementation of long-term solutions introduced by the UT. UReka wants a solid policy to make sure it can accommodate the needs of all students, even during growth.
Student well-being
Safeguarding activism
With an ageing society in the Netherlands, young creative minds are a crucial asset to ensure progress and innovation within organisations. International students should be enabled to integrate themselves in the Dutch society after finishing their academic career. All UT students should be provided with equal chances to enter into the Dutch market, not being restricted by language and cultural barriers.