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Party Program 2020

Our Vision

Through strong connections with study associations, participatory bodies, and national politics, UReka strives to voice a well-informed, critical opinion on the policies presented by the executive board and initiates the change the student community of the UT desires to see. UReka sees the university as a platform for self-development and inspiration, where students should receive a world-class education from motivated professors in coherent modules, where internationalisation creates a new perspective and teaches all students what it means to be inclusive and live in a globalised world, learning from each other through face to face interaction.


Steering the new educational model
Next academic year, the new Twente Educational Model (TEM) 2.0 will be implemented in the bachelor programmes. One of the major changes this development brings along is the elimination of the 0-15 EC rule of the modules. TEM 2.0 allows programmes to choose between integrated (one 15 EC block per module)  and coherent (multiple smaller blocks per module) modules. This is a major change for more than half of the programmes and it is therefore vital that students’ opinions are heard. UReka will make sure students’ voices are heard and that TEM 2.0 will be steered accordingly.
Complementing education by digitalisation
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, digital learning tools have been widely implemented in a short timespan. We should harness the knowledge we gain during this period to implement digital learning tools effectively, so that they can complement our current educational methods. Currently, the university lacks a centralised platform to implement digital education as well as policy to guide the use of digital learning tools.

UReka wants the university to improve upon its current implementation of digital learning, making use of the momentum that digital learning has gained. UReka wants to make sure that digital education can enhance the study experience as a complement to our regular education, but never as a replacement.

Professional and fair assessment
Currently, Teaching Assistants (TA’s) play a significant role in the reviewing and marking of examinations, partly to reduce the workload on the staff. However, UReka has concerns regarding the quality of education in this matter. The examiner should always be able to guarantee the validity of the grades. By digital complementary means, professionalisation of TA’s, and more personnel, the quality of education can be held high and the workload manageable. Furthermore, UReka firmly believes that every assessment must reflect the student as an individual, whilst maintaining the project-based identity of our university. By these means students can be proud of their honestly achieved results.

Sustainable growth for the long-run

Manage sustainable growth
Despite keeping up with high standards of education and having strong internal ties, a continuous growth of the student population challenges these strengths. UReka wants to ensure that the well-being of students and employees should not only be embraced, but where possible even be improved upon. The UT needs to be enabled to accommodate for its developing student population on a long-term vision.

Students choosing the university should have equal chances of starting into their academic career, wherefore discrepancies in educational levels of pre-knowledge should be minimised to the most feasible extent.

Availability of study facilities
The University of Twente has seen substantial growth in recent years due to its great name as a Technical University both nationally and internationally. Although growth is not something that we should steer away from, it has put significant pressure on the facilities of the UT, resulting in a lack of project rooms, study spaces, and lecture halls. UReka feels that the growth of the student population has not been sufficiently matched with an expansion in study facilities and services, and demands that action is taken.

UReka will promote desirable UT-wide short-term solutions, such as providing additional workplaces and steering away from undesirable time slots for lectures. Simultaneously, UReka will actively support the implementation of long-term solutions introduced by the UT. UReka wants a solid policy to make sure it can accommodate the needs of all students, even during growth.


Encouraging sustainable initiatives at the UT
UReka has a positive attitude towards sustainability at the UT. We welcome and support sustainable policies and initiatives at the UT by defending them in the University Council. Using the network of UReka, those policies can be accelerated by maintaining open communication with sustainable initiative takers and organisations.


Discovering the ins and outs of UT policy
Voting numbers at the UT are low compared to national voting numbers, because not all students know what the University Council entails. In order to make sure your vote suits your best interest, we aim to provide you with the understanding you need about the University Council, UReka, and other bodies within the UT. This knowledge can give you the power to voice your opinion, influence UT policymaking and change the UT where it matters.
We are your platform for change
UReka has strong roots in study associations, faculty councils and programme committees. Based on these aspects, we have a broad, educationally-based view on the effects of UT policy on the student population. However, we also need your perspective, personal opinion and ideas to make sure the UT is run in a way that is most beneficial to you and your peers. Therefore, we want to organise regular meet-ups where you can give your input to the UReka faction. You can also join the UReka community at a more casual level by signing up for our newsletter to stay informed about topics discussed in the council.


Unifying communication to students
Currently, it is difficult to inform students of all relevant information, vacancies and interesting activities. The spread of this information is usually done through associations. Since not all students are involved with these associations, the reach of this information is limited. Furthermore, spreading information among a diverse group of students is difficult. UReka wants to have a central platform on which information can be distributed to students of all faculties and studies, as this will allow students to be more informed on relevant matters.
Improve the clarity of the UT website
Have you ever struggled to find the contact information of your study advisor or do you have a hard time finding all your available master courses? UReka observes that a large part of the student population encounters issues when navigating their way through the website of the university. We believe that the website should be well-organised and logically structured, such that all new and current students can easily access all the information they need. When making essential and convenient information more accessible, missed opportunities, complications, and frustrations can be prevented.

Student well-being

Prioritising your mental health by increasing support for students
Students need a support system that they can rely on in order to ensure a noteworthy university experience. Whether this is through contacting study advisors, visiting a psychologist or reaching out to any other support system, UReka wants to ensure that these means are available to all students. Our goal is to promote student-well being by creating policy that guarantees available student help that is immediate and appropriately scheduled.
Bottom-up investigation of the means to improve student well-being
It is widely known that many students are encountering stress in their lives in some way or another. However, it is currently not exactly known what the underlying causes of these stress-related issues are. To make sure the UT tackles the right issues causing well-being problems, a bottom-up investigation into its origins is needed. UReka will emphasise that such research is carried out sooner rather than later, so the well-being of the entire student population can be boosted as soon as possible.
Transitioning to the new “normal”; finding the opportunities
When we eventually come back to campus, it may not be the same as before. There will be changes to our ways of studying, living, and having fun, thus affecting the lives of our students. UReka will support the search for measures to make a smooth transition from social distancing and safeguard your student life.
Building a foundation for student housing
The student community is still growing, housing availability needs to follow up on that. A mind needs security and stability, starting with a place to live. To ensure every student has a place to call home near the university, UReka sees the need for a fitting stand on student housing. Not only to provide current students with a home but also to give future students an equal opportunity for one.

Safeguarding activism

Encourage student activism
There can be some misconceptions about the role different associations have at the UT and how students can be involved in them. By supporting these associations in providing information about activism within their associations and beyond, students can really be encouraged to become active.
Recognition for student activism
There is currently not an accredited recognition for most student activism achievements. UReka wants to support students to start their career by formally recognising their efforts as an active member of associations.


Support community building during the introduction period
UReka wants to ensure that every student finds its place at the university. Furthermore, it is important to us that there is no disparity between students with different national backgrounds. All students should be integrated into university life and should be encouraged to integrate with each other.
Intercultural competencies in education
The University of Twente is a broad, diverse and international community. This gives students a great opportunity to prepare themselves for the international job market. UReka thinks this opportunity should be embraced. However, cooperation in an international environment is a skill, not a given. That is why UReka vouches for including these valuable skills in the curriculum.
Employability of international students
Enabling students to maintain financial balance and have a professional outlook within the university. It should be possible for any student to take up a job as a student assistant or contributing to a good reputation of the UT by providing their workforce for example during Open Days.


With an ageing society in the Netherlands, young creative minds are a crucial asset to ensure progress and innovation within organisations. International students should be enabled to integrate themselves in the Dutch society after finishing their academic career. All UT students should be provided with equal chances to enter into the Dutch market, not being restricted by language and cultural barriers.

Highlighting benefits of intercultural collaboration
The university provides its students with a culturally diverse environment. This can be seen as a base for creating opportunities in professional, educational, and social contexts. UReka believes sharing insights about international perspectives and the advantages of world-wide collaboration can be valuable for multicultural prospects and individual development of UT students.