Creating impact together
Faculty: EEMCS
Study: Bachelor Student Creative Technology
Hiya, I’m Imke! I’m a third-year Creative Technology student, currently doing a board year as chairwoman of my study association. Throughout my years here in Enschede I got more and more involved with the UT; in my time as chairwoman, but also as the secretary of our study trip foundation board and the treasurer of the new central tenants council on the campus I have seen a lot of different sides of the UT. By seeing the University from all these different perspectives I noticed more and more points that left room for improvement. In the University Council it will be my goal to help create a policy at the University of Twente that represents each and every student. I strongly believe that every single person at the UT can add something to the University and that together, we can make a difference and shape our student lives exactly the way we want it to be!